General Dermatology
For the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of various skin diseases at the dermatologist's practice in Bern Bubenberg, we have various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities at our disposal. After an in-depth medical consultation with dermatologist Dr. U. Büttiker, which usually includes a full-body examination, we will work with you to determine the next steps in the assessment and treatment process.
- Laboratory blood tests and blood count for various skin diseases (especially systemic diseases with skin involvement, collagenoses and autoimmune dermatoses)
- Microscopic and cultural fungal detection as well as cultural bacteriological detection
- Wood-light examination for various skin diseases
- Light microscopy (dermoscopy) with possible digital image storage of pigmented moles (melanoma screening) as well as digital recording and image storage of skin diseases for better follow-up
- Small skin samples (biopsies) for histological examinations of pigmented skin changes, benign or malignant skin tumors and various inflammatory skin diseases
- Immunofluorescence detection in biopsies, especially in suspected autoimmunological diseases
- Examinations of hair loss e.g. with trichogram or trichoscan
- Examinations of various sexual diseases and diseases of the external genitalia
- Bandaging and care of leg ulcers
- Dermojet treatment (intracutaneous administration of medication) for various skin diseases, e.g. Keloids (excessive scars formation) or warts
- Cryotherapy for the treatment of various skin conditions such as warts (treatment with liquid nitrogen)
Dr. Urs Büttiker, MD, is a dermatologist and member of the following societies: Swiss Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SGDV), European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV), Swiss Group of Esthetic Dermatology & Skincare (SGEDS) and in the Swiss Society for Medical Laser Applications (SGML).