Further links
Note on internet links: Diagnosis and self-treatment based on information from the internet can be problematic. Seek medical advice if you have complaints or questions. We will be happy to help you with any questions you may have and please do not hesitate to contact our dermatology and venereology practice in Bern. The Dermatologist Dr. Urs Büttiker, Hautarzt Bern Bubenberg, will give you detailed advice. The websites listed below can help answer your questions. to the information for patients, to the information for doctors
- Swiss Society of Dermatology and Venereology, www.derma.ch (in german)
- Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology, www.ssai-sgai.ch
- FMH, Association of Swiss Physicians, www.fmh.ch (in german)
- Swiss Society for Medical Laser Applications, www.sgml.ch
- Society of Physicians of the Canton of Bern, www.berner-aerzte.ch (in german)
- SPVG - Swiss Psoriasis and Vitiligo Society, www.spvg.ch (in german)
- Directory of physicians of the FMH, www.doktorfmh.ch
- Directory of Doctors and Hospitals Switzerland, www.doktor.ch (in german)
- University Clinic for Dermatology in Bern, www.dermatologie.insel.ch (in german)
- Privatklinikgruppe Hirslanden, www.hirslanden.ch
Dermatology links
Dermatology in general
- DermIS, Dermatology Information System, www.dermis.net
- Image Atlas of the Loyola University Chicago Dermatology Clinic, www.meddean.luc.edu
- Hair loss, www.hirslanden.ch (in german)
- Sweating (hyperhidrosis), www.msdmanuals.com
- Swiss pollen bulletin with archive and pollen forecast, www.pollenundallergie.ch (in german)
- aha! Allergy Center Switzerland, www.aha.ch
- Pollen count in Europe, www.polleninfo.org
- Asthma in general, www.usz.ch
- Lung League, www.lungenliga.ch (in german)
- Eczema on eczema.dermis.net.net
- Educational and practical website on the prevention of occupational dermatoses, www.suva.ch (in german)
Skin cancer
- Skin cancer on skincancer.dermis.net
- Melanoma/black skin cancer, www.melanoma.ch (in german)
Skin type, sun protection
- UV index (with forecast), www.bag.admin.ch (in german)
- Hyphen sun protection clothing, www.hyphen-sports.com
- Herpes Help, www.hirslanden.ch
Nail diseases
- Council for Nail Disorders, https://www.nailexperts.org/
Nail itch
- Urticaria - Nettle Fever (Causes and Triggers) PDF, www.ahaswiss.ch
- Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), www.neurodermitisimgriff.de (in german)
- German ROSAZEA Help, www.rosazeahilfe.de (in german)
- Rosazea on dermis.net, rosacea.dermis.net
Scalp lichen, psoriasis
- Swiss Psoriasis and Vitiligo Society, www.spvg.ch (in german)
- Psoriasis, www.ahaswiss.ch